Our Team
Dr. Steve and Julie Thomas have been married 34 years and have three grown, married children. They love South Florida and the opportunities available here to connect people to Jesus. Steve worked in engineering and sales for 17 years before being called to ministry at the age of 39. Julie was called to ministry as a teenager. Both completed their Masters Degrees at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Steve and Julie enjoy sailing, walking on the beach, and traveling.
Associate Pastor
Jimmy is from Vernon, Alabama where he led a Southern Baptist Church for two years before moving to South Florida in 2020. Jimmy earned his B.S. in Business Administration from MUW and his MBA from Louisiana State University. He is currently enrolled at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary pursuing his MDIV. He and his wife Erin have been married for 9 years and have three children. They both have a passion for serving God, loving others, and growing disciples.
Associate Pastor
Worship Leader
Philip is a graduate of Lee University in Cleveland, TN, with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and minor in Bible/Theology. He has served as a Youth Pastor and a Worship Leader for the past 10 years at two of the foremost metropolitan/multi-cultural ministries in the nation. He and his wife Sabrina have been married for 13 years and have two sons.
Kids Director
Erin is a graduate of Mississippi University for Women in Columbus, MS, with a B.S. in Exercise Science and Master’s Degree in Public Health Education. Erin actively served in her home church for many years with children, youth, and young adults. Erin and Jimmy have been happily married for 9 years and have 3 amazing children. They both have a heart and passion for serving Jesus, growing disciples, and serving our children and youth ministries.
Genevieve Penta
Office Manager
Gen was born and raised in South Florida. She has served in church ministry for over 14 years and has been on staff in local churches for over 10 years. She has been serving as Office Administrator at FBC Delray since 2013. In addition to her role as Office Administrator, she also serves as Ministry Assistant for the Palm Beach Baptist Network, a position she has held since 2016. Gen is a self-published author of two Christian-based poetry collections.
Jim Pharr
Facilities Manager
Jim has worked in various churches and served in various roles for 30 years. He has held his current position as Director of Building and Grounds since 2007. Jim works hard in his role to ensure FBC Delray is always running smoothly and all who attend have a great worship experience. Jim and his wife Linda have called South Florida home for over 35 years. They enjoy serving the church together through setting up the many events, preparing meals, and hosting Life Group parties at their home.